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Past Males; Faithful and True

INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION SUNNY VON HOFFNUNG RN, RA, RE, CD, BH, H.O.T. Handler owned, trained, and titled, is the pup we had planned from the breeding of Int’l CH Jake vom Kanas BH, CD, RN, JJ-N and Mica vom Haus Kohl, continuing our very popular line of dogs going back to Alk von Osterberg Quell and Lord vom Gleisdreieck. At one year old, he had already completed his Rally Novice Title and at age two, he added three more working titles. Sunny’s coat  coloring and type is  Black and Tan  Blanket Back,  standard coat.

MILO VON HOFFNUNG is the pup we kept from Int’l Ch Keeper von Hoffnung  CD, RN, BH and “Elsa” Daisy von Westervenn CGC. Milo is not only beautiful, with deep red coloring and a robust build, but he is an absolutely delightfully tempered fellow with personality as well as a willingness to please that makes him a delight to train. Milo’s coat coloring and type is Black and Red long coat.

BOONE VON HOFFNUNG CGC, is another son of Cardinal that we have been able to raise. He is of robust build, deep, rich coloring, with lots of expression in his sable markings.  Standard coated, he brings beautiful traditional quality to our breeding program. His hips and elbows are A-stamped in Germany. Boone’s coloring and coat type is Red Sable, standard coat.

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