Ranger von Hoffnung CGC, RN, CD, NA
Ranger von Hoffnung CGC, RN, CD, NA comes from a long line of Candle Hill Shepherd dogs on both sides. His dad is INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION ROHAN VON HOFFNUNG CGC RN and his mom is LITTLE BEAR VON HOFFNUNG RN. His pedigree contains such wonderful Candle Hill Shepherds as Jake, Valiant, Bristol, Cardinal, Piper, Max, Wessa, and Tag. He is everything we love about our dogs; not only beautiful, but brave, loving, smart, and loyal. He has powerful play and food drives, yet he is quick to turn off and relax when asked. This is a dog that is quick to listen, loves his person, yet is bold and unafraid to the world.
Before he was even two, he had already earned his CGC, RN, and CD with high scores, placing in the ribbons every time. Getting a 100 out of 100 in rally (1st place, 3rd place, and 4th place), a 196.5 out of 200 in Novice (1st place, 1st place, 3rd place), and earning a High in Trial German Shepherd Award. Yes, he lost a few points due to being too happy in his puppy exuberance, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. He is such a dedicated, detailed, and happy worker. He is what we all want in a dog; a solid, dependable friend.
Ranger is also beautiful; a dark sable long coat, with thick bone, and a powerful body with an intimidating build. He has a robust and commanding presence, not a dog you want coming at you in a dark alley with angry intentions. Yet, again Ranger shows his worth in his discerning eye. He is very cognizant of his person and how they read the situation. In a normal situation, he is a complete and utter love. Yet, he is willing to protect when push comes to shove.
Ranger is an athletic, healthy dog. Like all our dogs, Ranger has been tested negative for hip and elbow dysplasia. He is DM clear.