Candle Hill Shepherds

Our goal is to produce a dog a burglar will run from but a child can hug

Candle Hill Shepherds

Sweet Saba

In December, M.S. and Geoff wrote:

“Elizabeth, Greetings from Ohio.  What a wonderful year it has been with our sweet Saba and she really does have the sweetest temperament with lots of enthusiasm!! She tends to mother our 14 week old kitty yet harass our more mature cat.  When I get home from work, she stays right with me and doesn’t want to miss anything.  If I leave the room, she just has to get up and follow me. So at 16 months she weighs 64 1/2lbs and is in great health per the vet this afternoon. And one of her favorite games is “find it”.
The below picture was taken in the Village of Chagrin Falls. ( no snow and 70 this weekend!!!!) what a sight it was one day this fall when Gunny and Saba walked side by side through the village. When asked about them, Bill responded they are from the best breeder in the country!  I have referred a number of people to your website and Cardinal’s picture. Who know perhaps there will be another perfect candle-hill shepherd in the area one day.
I wish you and your family a Joyful and Merry Christmas!! “


Last Updated: October 27, 2021