Sabre Boy
In November of 2015, Bonnie wrote:
“Oops, his other ear tipped back over yesterday, so now both are down for the moment. He’s had his second shots and weighed 14 pounds a week ago.
Sabre boy is doing great. He went to his first organized puppy socialization / play group at Nancy Tanners Paws and People group on Sunday. He was the newest one, and was quite overwhelmed with the 15 crazy pups. Although he had my lap to come back to, he only used it for brief security checks, and ventured out to explore and engage. I can’t wait till next week, now that he has been there and has another week of life’s experiences under his belt! Nancy Turner said she has had 3 of your dogs in her classes and was very impressed with CH shepherds.
He’s doing well in his tracking and has huge drive to work – I can hardly contain him getting started. His cadaver nose-to-source work is outstanding, and he uses that nose to hunt very well.
He and Gator enjoy playing together yet his bond is appropriate to me. Gator has taught him to spin, and they are a noisy, happy pair racing around. As expected, he is a strong minded little guy who tests the boundaries, yet I am pleased with his overall respect of things. He travels well and has met lots of adults, little kids and strangers.
Summary – he’s wonderful and we love him!! And, I can truly say I think he is very happy to be a part of our family!”
Last Updated: October 27, 2021