Phoebe Doing Obeidience
On May 22nd, 2016, Maellen wrote:
“Thank you for the pictures – I’ve never had pictures of Phoebe doing obedience – just agility. As for the plaque: I could give you every prize Phoebe ever won, and it still would not equal the puppy you entrusted to me. She has (among a lot of other things) given back to me the fun of showing, and the confidence that I can figure out solutions to training problems…Today went much better than yesterday, despite the rain and cold. Phoebe earned a third place (gold ribbon – much nicer than blue or red) in Utility, and another gold ribbon in Open, for her sixth UDX leg. In Open she also won a run-off against [that other top dog] – the second time she has done so. To be fair, [the other dog] is too exuberant to heel as smoothly as Phoebe, but does much better fronts and finishes, but the heeling is what counts in run-offs. We also got the GSD basket, which is the envy of the other breed people.”
Last Updated: October 27, 2021