Candle Hill Shepherds

Our goal is to produce a dog a burglar will run from but a child can hug

Candle Hill Shepherds

Grateful For Xena

In December 2015, Martha and Joe wrote:

“Thanks for your Thanksgiving message. We are so grateful for Xena it’s
impossible to describe, although I see what others say on your Facebook
page and we feel the same. I don’t know how she could be a better dog for
us. She’s so smart, funny, loves people and other dogs, and is doing very
well at SAR. She squeaks her toys (loudly) when Joe plays the piano so
she’s musical, too. The noise level in the living room is astounding. She
also is the best hiking companion I’ve ever had. I think you can tell we
adore her.

I¹ve attached her official team photo (although this picture does not do
her justice). Our very best to you, your family, and all the dogs. Martha and Joe” k9xena.jpg

Last Updated: October 27, 2021