Best Bloodlines
On April 2, 2016, Dave from Cascade, Idaho wrote:
“Your German Shepherd bloodlines is most certainly the best available, …I can’t help but think of you and your breeding program. I’m sure this is why we have a Candle Hill Shepherd…We are beyond description of our satisfaction with our Candle Hill Shepherd and a picture like this makes the point. We can take KeyTo ANYWHERE, his approach to strangers, strange dogs and new circumstances speaks volumes for his great breeding and self-confidence. This is our 3 year old granddaughter and KeyTo was resting when she decided she needed a hug and just walked over to him and wrapped herself around him. His reaction was to open his eyes, not another muscle moved… Thanks for such a great German Shepherd.
…and this is 13 month old Gavin…”
Last Updated: February 15, 2025