Candle Hill Shepherds

Our goal is to produce a dog a burglar will run from but a child can hug

Candle Hill Shepherds

9/21/13 From Janet


From Janet who has Lucas a puppy from Macho and Kuma, just ten weeks old at the time of this writing:

Hi Elizabeth,

I’m calling little Lucas my mensa puppy. He now sits whenever I ask, is getting good on the leash – I keep sessions short and happy, knows what ‘treats’ and ‘out’ and ‘go go’ mean. He is sleeping 7 hours peacefully in his crate in my bedroom, and lets me know when he has to go. He is now quiet in his big crate in the kitchen. When I return, he is quiet and not agitated and will sit on command and wait for me to open the door. Lia is a big help. I leave her in the kitchen and she sleeps right in front of his crate! She has appropriately disciplined his biting and grabbing, and so he is learning his manners from the master.

Sometimes (like right now) I keep him on the leash and he follows me around. He’s sleeping next to me. He knows my voice, comes enthusiastically when called (most of the time), and has spent quiet time without me in the fenced yard with Lia. He will watch me from the sliding door — so cute. of course, I’m keeping an eye on him at all times too….

I just love this picture and want to share it with you. Lucas watches Lia and is so smart, he learns from her all the time. This is how they wait for their food! He has transformed himself from a screaming, jumping crazy-puppy at meal time to one who understands that he can wait quietly and food will come.

Have a wonderful day ~ Janet


Last Updated: August 17, 2019