Candle Hill Shepherds

Our goal is to produce a dog a burglar will run from but a child can hug

Candle Hill Shepherds

7/2/2012 From Bob


From Bob who has Mercy, sister to Mica, granddaughter of our stud V Imo vom Werraufer SCH III, FH, a puppy we let go as a young adult.


I have never seen such a completely fearless dog. I take her target shooting and she sits there waiting. I take her logging and she looks at the chain saw with curiosity, but never blinks. I am seriously considering a motorcycle with a side car so she can join us.So far, that is the only thing Mercy as not done with us.




Mercy wrestling a gator in Florida, 2012

Please, do not try this at home! :>)

Last Updated: August 17, 2019