Candle Hill Shepherds

Our goal is to produce a dog a burglar will run from but a child can hug

Candle Hill Shepherds

3/27/11 From Tom

3/27/11 From Tom who has Ranger, a Strongheart (V Imo vom Werraufer SCH III, FH) and Baccara pup, 2006. Litter H.

Greetings Elizabeth, Just a line on Ranger my best and loyal buddy.

Ranger now four years and three months old is all I or anyone could ask for in a German Shepherd. Simply my best friend , he goes to work with me everyday. Well trained and has a super tracking nose. Sleeps by my side at night and if I allow it, steps between me and any stranger he doesn’t know. Police trained, he lets everyone know that to get to me they have to go through him. We also have three Jack Russell terriers who he loves and tolerates them climbing on him. He is a great pack leader for his little pack very tolerant. He is very polite when I feed him and not a pig like some dogs I have had.

Although not practical I would like four or five just like him. Thank you so much for what you do and for bringing Imo and Baccara together for me to have Ranger. Best Regards ,Tom, San Antonio,Texas

Last Updated: August 17, 2019