Candle Hill Shepherds

Our goal is to produce a dog a burglar will run from but a child can hug

Candle Hill Shepherds

3/24/13 From Maellen

3/24/13 From Maellen in Washington State, who has Phoebe, a Max /Wessa puppy 2009 Hi Elizabeth, Show season started this weekend with agility trials in Moses Lake. Friday Phoebe qualified in Excellent Jumpers Preferred – first place, and did the same on Saturday to finish her AXJP title. To ensure that I can’t quit showing in agility, she got her first leg in Excellent Standard Preferred. Can’t leave a girl with only one leg. The weekend before: on Saturday she certified for tracking, so I sent in an entry for the Collie Club Test the end of April. I hope she gets in. On Sunday she did a nice job in Utility A at a fun match. This is going to be a fun year! Maellen 1/28/13

From Colby in Montanta, who has Hunter, a Strongheart/Daila pup 2008

I Just thought I would share this picture of Hunter with you.

He is doing great. Best dog we have ever had.


Last Updated: August 17, 2019