Candle Hill Shepherds

Our goal is to produce a dog a burglar will run from but a child can hug

Candle Hill Shepherds

11/9/10 From Jill

11/9/10 From Jill who has Rommel, formerly Raider, one of the young adults we placed,

Rommel is resting (maybe sleeping… looks very peaceful) at my side as I write to you. Long walks and throwing a ball really work! I can’t believe he’s been here just 1-1/2 weeks. From the way he has settled in, it seems like a lot longer. I really couldn’t be more pleased! He is happy and so am I. We are bonded.

My son, Will, and Rommel have become good pals. They go on weekend adventures and have had some great romps. When I am in the mix, however, Rommel only watches and listens to me. I am definitely his alpha person.

Elizabeth, thank you, again, for my wonderful dog!



Last Updated: August 17, 2019