11/7/2013 From Bonnie
11/7/2013 From Bonnie who has Gunner, a pup from Macho and Kuma, 2013 Elizabeth, Gunner is growing so fast and is so smart. He began alerting me of my blood sugar levels about a month ago. Vet and I thought it was coincidence at first but he is doing it consistently. The vet is amazed and I am very blessed to have him. Since he started alerting me, I have not passed out due to low sugars. We are going to pursue his certification for a diabetic service dog. God works in mysterious was. I knew Gunner was speaking to me from the beginning. Forever in your debt, Bonnie 9/28/13 From Bonnie who has Gunner, a pup from Macho and Kuma, 2013 Good Morning Elizabeth, Gunner is doing awesome. He loves playing hide and seek in the woods. He also loves to bring the newspaper in everyday. His ears are both up. I can’t thank you enough for him. He is the joy of my life. Bonnie
Last Updated: August 17, 2019