Candle Hill Shepherds

Our goal is to produce a dog a burglar will run from but a child can hug

Candle Hill Shepherds

11/25/10 From Ted

11/25/10 From Ted who has Indago, Indy/Drago, 2010

Hello Elizabeth:

Just an update on our Pup, very pleased with him, he is extremely trainable and quick to learn.

His name is Indago, after his mother and father, although it did take quit a while to name him, he accepted and responded to it as if it was his name from birth.

I have tried to expose this pup to about everything and anything possible, different things and noises etc., the pup is incredible, nothing seems to bother him and he does not cower or back down from anything, this puppy has nerves of steel. Further more he does possess and incredibale sense of smell, of which we have been developing, although I’m a firm believer of all dogs being born with the same sense of smell, some show additional sense of which makes it much easier to develop.

He is a great pup and we are very pleased with him.

Thanks Elizabeth.

Last Updated: August 17, 2019