Candle Hill Shepherds

Our goal is to produce a dog a burglar will run from but a child can hug

Candle Hill Shepherds

Keyto, Keeper’s Brother, A Testimonial



Hello Elizabeth,

We are beyond description of our satisfaction with our Candle Hill Shepherd and a picture like this makes the point. We can take KeyTo ANYWHERE, his approach to strangers, strange dogs and new circumstances speaks volumes for his great breeding and self confidence.

This is our 3 year old granddaughter and KeyTo was resting when she decided she needed a hug and just walked over to him and wrapped herself around him. His reaction was to open his eyes,not another muscle moved.

You are welcome to use this picture and my comments for any purpose you choose.

Thanks for such a great German Shepherd,

Dave & Shirley Leonard


Hello again Elizabeth,

Here is the other pictures of our Candle Hill German Shepherd, KeyTo die herz Von Hofnung, just to show again his relaxed confidence around children. I may not have mentioned it but we live on two and a half acres that is 5 miles north of Cascade, Idaho and you may rest assured that KeyTo lives the life of a country gentleman and because of his attentiveness and self confidence we sleep well every night. He weighs 85 lbs. and is muscular with great stamina, he has a beautiful coat and draws praise wherever he is seen and he is seen a lot as we take him into all stores that allow dogs. He is still on his raw meat diet and eats 2 lbs of meat a day along with the carbs, veggie, fruit slurry that Shirley makes up. I’m sure you have to be retired in order to raise a German Shepherd the way Shirley insists on raising KeyTo but we both enjoy the process, I do mornings and Shirley does evenings.

Again, please feel free to use these photos and commentary as you see fit to do. I carry a picture of Cardinal and Kindra in my wallet with your website address written on the back and have shown them to anyone that we have engaged in conversation about KeyTo.

Thanks again for such a wonderful companion and guardian,
Dave & Shirley Leonard

Last Updated: April 4, 2016