Candle Hill Shepherds

Our goal is to produce a dog a burglar will run from but a child can hug

Candle Hill Shepherds

The Last Puppies Go Home


The last puppy for sale went home last week.  Here are some photos we took while we still had the last two.  Of course, we are keeping one. 2C0A8756-500x323.jpg 2C0A8757-500x266.jpg 2C0A8764-500x333.jpg 2C0A8769-500x375.jpg 2C0A8770-500x383.jpg 2C0A8778-500x333.jpg 2C0A8779-500x518.jpg 2C0A8789-500x470.jpg 2C0A8793-500x333.jpg 2C0A8796-500x501.jpg 2C0A8798-500x288.jpg 2C0A8801-500x285.jpg 2C0A8823-500x333.jpg 2C0A8832-500x304.jpg 2C0A8837-500x333.jpg 2C0A8854-500x509.jpg

This is Oakley, the one we are keeping 2C0A8855-500x542.jpg 2C0A8864-500x333.jpg 2C0A8870-500x326.jpg

This little guy has the toy

2C0A8872-500x333.jpg 2C0A8877-500x341.jpg

Now he has a plan!

2C0A8891-500x333.jpgNobody sees me.


Now you see me…..

2C0A8893-500x333.jpg Now you don’t….


and away goes the toy!

2C0A8895-500x333.jpg I’m back.. 2C0A8896-500x333.jpg

Are you missing anything?


How does the cat do that?


He makes it look so easy. 2C0A89171-500x499.jpgHappy Puppies!

Last Updated: June 23, 2015