Candle Hill Shepherds

Our goal is to produce a dog a burglar will run from but a child can hug

Candle Hill Shepherds

Past Litters

Candle Hill Shepherds has been producing exceptional German Shepherd puppies for over 10 years.  One of the highlights for us is to see pictures and hear testimonials from our Puppy Families as their puppies grow.  From time to time we have published some of these pictures, and until the GREAT WEB CRASH of 2013, we had posted a rather large collection of these pictures.  Now, as time permits, we hope to re-establish some of those puppy pages.  We will begin with the more recent, and work our way back.  So check back from time to time to see how our project is coming along.  We hope you enjoy perusing some of these great shots as much as we do.  They speak volumes about the love and companionship that these exceptional Candle Hill puppies have brought.

Ready for some history class?

IMG_85241-500x341.jpg Enjoy.




2010:  A10, B10, C10, D10, F10, G10, K10



     X,  W,  V,  U,  T,  S,  R,  Q,  P,  O,  N,  M,  L,  K,  J,  I,  H,  G,  F,  E,  D,  C,  B,  A

Last Updated: May 4, 2014