Candle Hill Shepherds

Our goal is to produce a dog a burglar will run from but a child can hug

Candle Hill Shepherds

German Babysheep-herd Puppies


For many of you, this is the week of Winter’s Fury and being boxed inside your houses.  For us, it was a few weeks ago, when temperatures outside went down below zero.  In the barn, two baby lambs were born.  We watched them carefully, then realizing they were becoming too weak to nurse from their mother, we brought them inside to warm up and get well.  And there, they met the puppies!  These are Sunny and Piper’s puppies born in December who are about six to seven weeks old in the photos.

You will see a sequence of first the puppies, then the introductions with the lambs.  So precious!






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An update: the lambs survived and are now back in the barn learning to be sheep.  I think they will always be especially friendly.  Those of the puppies which we are not keeping over, went to their new homes last week.  And happy to all, Spring is coming!

Last Updated: February 13, 2014